Scum bag DARE U is back for more

ROFL, I dont know what capitalism even means… I dont even vote.


wow this is awesome

your wiener is inverted…there, I said it


awesome thread.

hahah I just checked. I got Negged by the naner-taker from all this:

Scum bag DARE U is back… 06-29-2010 07:37 PM Mk4 30R hope the trans explodes

musta popped that one off befor the hatchet came down.

Best. Thread. Ever.

Brett loves to neg rep. I was recently scolded by the BANana Taker myself for being too technical:

“your mumbo jumbo is annoying. go back to the classroom. this is real talk”


I’m so glad a mod was acting like a 9th grader.

I will reply in a Wayne like mannor:




sooo who is this?

And Vlad wonders why there isnt more technical or informative discussion on this forum.

This thread is fullllll of win. Bout fucking time brett got the ban stick for once and is being demoted epic lulz were had.

Did not see that coming, epic backfire right there

ok now i must know who this guy is , i really thought it was trav lolol . ya said i hung with u so that really complicates things now lolol when i first met ya what did ya drive ?i promise i wont say a word …oh and ill accept ya to

saw this at the lot dont do it.

I have a feeling a torch/mallet and a red paperclip are going to come into action. that or a 12 gauge . :lol


DARE U is Joe Jiggs