Scum bag DARE U is back for more

His ass tastes like candy corn.

Poor growing up, you’ll try to eat anything when you’re starving for food.

Holy shit, everytime I go away something huge happens. Lots-o-people goin full retard up in here!!

:wow Oh wow


lolol nooo =p

you must have only had a…penny? your name then lol

I have to commend you for something. Out of everyone on this site, you’re the only one who writes a 7 page response to every post. NYS is treating you well.

To be honest, I think I may have stolen it from a neighbors driveway.

OMFG LMFAO over here!!! GREAT POST +rep bahahaahahahaah :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl


Thank you for caring, that I care.

If I ever have the pleasure to meet you in real life, I will buy you a beer.

How the fuck do you know I work for NYS? Man you are creepy, what color lawn mower do I own? Bet you cant figure that one out.

Your a state worker???

This site is a resource of peoples personal info. I’ve been lurking around here for a while.


Hell if you search your username on google, well at least a few members, you can see a shit ton of posts etc, make keywords and get a lot of information

ROFL, why are you not going to pay taxes anymore becasue of it! hahahahahaha

yeah, I can see Wayne from my office. Get your feet off the server Mr. Wayne.

ok, so who are you? can we please know?

bahahahah being a contractor = WIN.

That’s an easy one you like to save every ounce you can by leaving bolts to major mechanical components on the bench during reassembly.

ahhhhh this makes soooooo much sense now… Mr. I <3 capitalism has a nice state job

insourcing FTW!

me next too!!! tell me something i dont know about myself, then we will all accept u, promise!