Scum bag DARE U is back for more

Chicken pot, chicken pot, chicken pot PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE

Kramer is DARE U

Yeah he called me that day this all blew up. Told me not to tell anyone, but I see the cat is out of the bag.

all of the bullshit needs to calm down , brett is a close friend and im not gonna sit here and let it go . 95% of the time if brett rubbed ya the wrong way its due to your own actions setting it off . there are very few memebers on here with the sack to SAY ANYTHING TO ANYONE FACE TO FACE . brett is always down to help when needed , unlike most on here . but kids wanna jump up and say fuck brett . so here it is ill say it , anyone and i mean anyone has a problem with brett grow a set and say it to him like a man , unless you are junk a punk fuckin pussy

wow, i just read through this entire thread. that Mk4 30R sure is a douche bag

Not everyone here knows him in person man. If they do, then yes they should say it to his face. If not, then this is the way to speak your opinion of him. I doubt anyone is going to go out of their way to meet some guy who moderated a site they frequent and say “hey man i don’t like the way you moderated Shift”. “See I’m such a man i drove out to Albany to tell you that even though I’ve never met you”. That would just be stupid. This is how we know him and how we communicate with him. So this is where we speak our opinions.

wellll maybe just maybe . ya come to the lot or some other function and while he is there say it , but to hate a person or other because he hassled ya on a comp is just pussy bullshit . maybe im just to aggresive or suttin but i like the face to gace bullshit so that there is no misunderstading it

Fair enough, you should have also put in there “But it only happens to people he doesn’t like”. I could easily say the same thing about anyone on here. The reason why people are jumping on Mk4 is because of his actions. Why is it that it’s okay for Mk4 to get a pass, but everyone else should be accountable for what they say?

You mean to tell me that you’ve never jumped on anyone and said “Fuck so and so”? Or is this a case of it’s okay to jump all over someone when you don’t like them, however if you’re “friends” with them, it’s not okay? There’s plenty of threads on this site where someone is getting ganged up on, in fact read the first couple of pages here and it was me. IIRC, you’ve been part of those threads taring someone down. I give you props for defending a friend, but if you feel it’s unnecessary to gang up on Mk4, why is it okay for you to do it to someone in another thread?

i think its about time i bring my old slab to the car lot.

im not sayin cause he is a friend or anything like that . if i had a problem with anyone on this site i handled it face to face when i could . the only wagon i jumped on was the hole travis and thats cause i was the one tellin the story 9 times out of 10 .

I can respect you like to handle things face to face. However, just because that’s your way of doing business doesn’t always mean it’s the right way. People have been using technology and media for a long time to express opinions, are you saying because they’re not doing it face to face with someone it shouldn’t be valid?

P.S. I remember recently another wagon you jumped on that DIDN’T have to do with Travis. Remember what I told you over PM’s, this site has a lot of information on it and as you said yourself “I better watch what I type”, which I’m guessing you meant you didn’t want everyone (even the GP can see this site) knowing parts of your business.

Norwood, you are a dope.

You talk about, and speak to Brett as if you know him, have met him, and have actually had a conversation with him in person. Half the people saying stuff about Brett in here would never say anything to him in person.

what wagon was that , i never said i was perfect and i sure can admit it . but we are a close knit group and for the most part know each other yeah we all bust balls and so on , so when a OUTSIDER comes in and starts shit you bett your ass ill be all over it

member noboost35r is an outsider

is this who this is

I doubt it… probably some other ritard

DARE U’s word and sentence structure is far to proper for it to be noboost35r.

Well you gotta forgive noboost… he types on a keyboard like this

The way I see this mess is, Brett online comes off as a douchecock. People who meet him on the internet first don’t care to meet him in person. Simple as that. Why waste your time if you don’t like who he is online?

how good would that be if it is him