Scum bag DARE U is back for more

mk4’s keyboard

and his log-in message

buncha haters in here. brett is a good dude, always willing to help etc etc he’s always AMPED UP haha

A very inquisitive fellow.

Hmm how do I speak about him like I know him? As I recall I said that I don't know him. And that my opinion of his online personality is that it sucks. I said he MAY be cool in person. As in I have no clue. And my only point is that being a dick online makes you look like a dick when people meet you in real life. And you chose me to call a dope out of everyone posting in this thread? I  am the same way I am online in person. If I knew him I would have no problem saying it to his face. Its not like I'm saying hes a waste of life and I hate him. All I've said is hes a very knowledgeable person when it comes to cars but not a good moderator.
I don't hate him at all. He never hassled me. I"m just saying the way I feel. And honestly I have no desire to go to the lot. I like cars but don't spend my nights out racing and standing next to them. And I certainly wouldn't spend the time to go there just to find him to say it. I would love to go to a chill and grill or cruise when I have time. But honestly it would be kind of weird considering I don't know any of you guys. So i suppose I've made my point. Maybe I'm a dope. Maybe not. But what I say and the way I act online is the exact same way I am in real life. So take it as you will.

Shit got way too SRS in here

if you cant handle the heat… get out of the theoretical internet kitchen

Uh… lol… I remember a few times when GermanPSI and I were going at it… and Brett would tell us both to stop… yet throw personal insults at me and then ban me. Imjussayin… and I was also magically banned by someone for no reason and no one can tell me who banned me? Gimme a break, I think I actually have a legitimate case out of everyone lol.

I mean, I don’t give a shit regardless about the situation, I think its a good move to demote him, but I don’t give a shit enough to care outside this forum. So for all the talk about the “Id like to see you say this to his face…” it would prob. help if people actually gave a shit… its a forum, really… if you care about shit beyond her ya need to give it up…

Get out of MURRDOGGSS rectum, MAN.


ahahahahaha thanks for all the kind words

ill catch up y’all later, im a bit busy, i have to run out to buy some gas for my car.

Honestly man, i dont care for brett, and id be happy to let him know in person. I used to not mind him at around and got along fine with him, up until he slammed me and mcflurries heads together at seans. That was uncalled for and a straight up douchebag thing to do. I didnt wanna start a brawl so i just chilled out. I think a few on here remembered that incident. I have all reason to not like him.

that’s true and my head hurt like a mother fucker after that night for a few days after, other than that brett and i have seemed to get along other than bullshit that got worked out



Lol @ 4th grade bully. Sounds like a fun party…

Like you even know

As I’ve stated many times, brett is a cool dude in person, me and him have had our in person confrontation over issues we’ve had here in the online world. Settled a lot of shit right then and there… After the intense 5 minutes of heated words and adrenaline fist pumping and vlad getting between the two of us :rofl

Seriously thou, you just gotta understand the guy a bit…

BUTTTT, as I stated in my previous post where aparently I’m a nutswinger

Actually surprised brett attacked cossey, and vlad like that. Not cool, and vlad, suprised it took you this long to acctualy do anything about it, considering many of us on the forums have been saying everything you’ve pointed out in your previous posts forever…

Yes that seems to go both ways, from saying he’s a cool dude to ive been saying he shouldent be a mod on here forever

is because brett in person vs brett online is two completely differant people… I like brett in person… Online, i think hes a giant dickhead

and I would have never exspected brett to speak like that to those guys as well, I thought they were acctualy pretty good friends

:lol @ this entire thread

yea fuck brett :rofl :rofl.

yeah no kidding, what a chode.

Hi Brett,

It was a pleasure to speak with you at approximately 3:46 this morning. I look forward to more mutually beneficial conversations at similar hours in the near future.

With warm regards,

Damn I went away for a week and missed all sorts of fun.

yeah , of sorts. we found out we have another scummy lerker