Scum bag DARE U is back for more

Haha fml I always miss the entertaining shit

lol , i started gettin rattled again . fuck this site does it everytime lol

Damn Bermuda distancing me from Shift drama. Now im out of the god damn loop

start readin man lolol

I already read through this whole thread. Not worth the 15 page to still not know who dare u is and people taking this site way to serious including Bretts ban happy crap. Site needs more off beat drama

yes and no , im more aggrivated some tool is being a pussy and wont say who he is when he knows so much about us

Lmao I’m not as it gives me plenty of entertainment

ya know what i mean little man lol

I do but this Dare U guy did not keep up with the drama there fore I vote ban

You crack me up. My inbox is full of PM’s from you saying “Just between you and I, who are you”? Correct? I told you exactly why I haven’t given my name or said what I drive. It’s people like you who feel that because someone has a verbal altercation, it should be finished physically. That’s the only reason why you’d want me to confront Mk4 in person, so you could throw a punch.

And again, I’ll say it S L O W L Y for you. I told you the couple threads I read ON THIS FORUM, which gave me all the details I used with Tony and Mk4. I don’t understand why it’s so hard for you to comprehend that.

The one principle that I don’t understand is why do people encourage a real world confrontation over the online communication as a solution to the disagreement between the parties which rose from an online discussion to begin with?

With that logic if I have a problem with someone disobeying the few rules we have on the forum, I shouldn’t just ban him online, I should go meet him in person and ban him on location?

Altercations online shouldn’t have any connection to the real world because frankly they are quite different worlds. The way that certain members act on the forum, has nothing to do with their character when they act in person, that doesn’t make them fake or childish or “pussy” it’s just a natural result of computer mediated communication, we act different with a keyboard hidden behind the screen as we would in person. Same principle as to why many people don’t have a problem posting on the forum and introducing themselves but can act quite shy at meets and events.

And before someone tries to use this argument on DARE U, keep in mind that we are all guilty of it, as you guys have stated about Brett specifically. In person he could be a typical cool person with a little bit of a acceptable bully attitude, however online he came off as an egotistical prick, which was overlooked for a little while but got to the point where action had to be done in the recent.

This thread got boring and serious.

Lock 1.

Lock 2.

So based on this post you are just here to start drama and rattle cages. Why else would you join a car forum and not talk about cars, specifically your car? Makes absolutely no sense.

I have been a member on here for almost two years and I have not once gone through the archives to learn everything about everyone, like you apparently have. The only people I know on this forum are the ones that I have met and I have made some friends along the way.

If you are on this site just to give people shit, it won’t last long. I promise. But I am sure you know that already after reading every post ever made on shift.

Ban 99FRC 1, since he ruined the lock sequence.

And lock 1.

Lock 6

^ Logic overload :ahh

must be a russian spy. its kind of unsettling to know that someone like DARE U would read through and THINK they know someone based off internet postings.

You can learn a lot about people from the internet.

True, I learned that Kramer and his sister actually used to be twin girls.