Who are you and how do you know my name? No wait, I forgot it’s Beck again, time for them to ban another screen name of yours. Also it was a picture of a phone that weighs 4.9 oz. and had 70 hrs of stand by. Not hard for me to understand. I see these scams all the time and I have the common sense not to buy anything on eBay without reading the whole thing over.
Also, I know two people who have been on TV courts and both ended up in the same situation. The show pays the judgment for the defendant and the plaintiff gets paid immediately. Nobody gets paid anything extra, whether it be $5 or $5000. And they fly you out, and put you up in the hotel for free, and pay your food expenses.
actually this is nick and dozens of people on this site can vouch for me. so before you run your mouth off talking about fucking retarded shit, you might want to think before you speak. i met you at mighty over the summer, thats how i know your name. much like tonight, i thought you were a dipshit when i first met you.