
I say shit like “clearly”, “basically”, and “obviously” way too much.

ughhhh old home days = jailbait and cougars as far as the eye could see.


shoulda seen that coming

Brilliant thread. I missed it :frowning:

lol @ size of the first post

hahaha yes I have BEEN updating the first post

I won’t post the text you sent me yesterday…I LOL’d cuz I noticed you used it the wrong way =P

LOL. Acutally, that’s the correct usage.

has not seen. boom.

I’m glad I haven’t made my way into that. Yay for grammar!

I got quoted once and i was doing it ON PURPOSE!!! :frowning:

lol, newman?

w/e, English isn’t even my first language.


this is why we smash :wave:

I am smarter then all of you.

yes and older



Yous are mean.

I made the first post 3 fold, niiiice.


It’s “yinz”.

As in, “Are yinz goin dahn tahn to go watch them Stillers?”

::shudder:: I cannot stand Yinzers.