seller feedback?

Alright the new skins blingy whatever I get it.

Where the hell are half the options?
Feedback is missing, but we have shitty experience?

View posts/ threads by user in profiles is gone?
Im for the change and think the staff is doing cool things, but c’mon its chalked full of ads and not even half as user friendly.

‘View posts’ is in the drop-down menu when you click a user’s name and even though this new rating thing still seems to be biased, it’s a hell of a lot better than the old version.

You can still see a user’s feedback by going into their profile

The trader rating is just not added in to the postbit. I have to disect the old skin to make it work on this one. We also had a version update in the middle of all of this that could be a contributing factor. I am working on a few other projects outside of the board, but once those are done I will get everything else back to fully functional.

Sorry for any issues although they do seem minor.

Its going to be nice when its done, but being your the only one who knows the backend of the board, I feel the new layout was dumped in your lap and rushed.

Whoever pulled the trigger initially, probabaly should have waited until the details were finished before the switch, you know to ease the change, and start a new trend haha.

you always seem to take care of all problems tho so :tup:

Well, we all had a large part in it, and we beta tested it with a group of users pre launch. These are all little things that were overlooked.

I am focusing on finishing the dunnville petition at the moment and will re address the board after that as it is more important.

Will this be back soon?

Nope. I am working on something much much bigger and better. I promise that you wont be disappointed, well unless you are a fggt.

We will be making an announcement in the next three weeks time laying out the preliminary steps that we are working out software wise.

Vbulletin has released a new version and I have been working on the beta in the background to determine it’s capabilities for us.

We are not going to just drop a new version and a new board on everyone like last time. This time we ahve a testing server set up and we will be taking in testers to browse around it and give us feedback before it goes live. That is still at least 3-4 weeks away for that step though.

lol, so you’re saying i’m gonna be disappointed?

I’m still disappointed

What is there to be disappointed about?

Same board different look, and we are working on bringing in the latest and greatest software which brings a ton of additional features. It carries a hefty price tag and will require loads more work from me and the rest of the admins to get it moving but it is in progress.

Can you please elaborate as to what upsets you about the new style? We have received a ton of accolade after making a few simple changes to the banner and backgrounds.

I think the trader rating should be displayed under their name in posts too. I’ve had a few bad experiences from people through these forums. The person I’m pissed at the most is slopoke but it says he’s banned now so that’s cool.

I would take the time to put it back, but I am already focused 2 months ahead of today. It would really be pointless to do so at this stage.

trader ratings are still accesable, Ive been leaving and recieving feedback from most transactions

you have to click someones name, then switch to the work skin to get to it.

lol @ being disappointed before anything even happened

shitty ive dealt with like 10 ppl the past month n couldnt leave feedback because i couldnt find it lol, oh well :gotme: :roll2: