sending stuff for Slowmaro

I got his address, if no one else has it…since I am in the Baltimore area, I will get stuff together to send to him overseas. If anyone from the Pittsburgh area would like to get a collection together, lemme know. Anyone who voluntarily goes over with the military is OK in my book.

word up…eric is def. a nice guy!!! shoot me an im message and let me know what ur thinking of sending over to him!!!

send him pics of his orange SS’s parts on our cars :slight_smile: hehehe

Jeff and I added him to the list of soldiers we are sending things to through work. We’re sending phone cards in the near future, but we are continuing to send care packages.

he wants all my old magazines… so i am going to send those and a few other things over

i’ll send a roll of duct tape and a road cone :rofl:

Is he in combat? Does he have a kevlar vest? We could all pitch in $20 and get him a kevlar vest if he doesn’t have one.

sounds good

i’d be game.

I’ll pitch in, but I think he would have that stuff already it would be issued to him by the army…


Budget cuts are a bitch…

I am sure he has one because going into a hostile environment the government is REQUIRED to provide protective gear. But If anyone wants one, feel free to lemme know. I have 3 of them and only need one

does he have a dvd player there do you know??? he gave me 10 blank dvd’s ill copy him some

dvd player? sounds like a vaction to me. I’ll throw in some smut books so he got something to look at.

I am not sure what it is like where he is but some places do NOT allow pornographic material in their country. If they open the package up and see it, they get in trouble.

:doh: Playboy with sports Ill cover = the win. :x:

send him a few copies of tubpic.jpg and truffleshuffle.jpg

i have a vest but thanks for the offer guys…

my dad bought the plates for me for xmas…$2,400

i think its very cool that you can still whore on Pittspeed from the middle of the desert. :cool: