Sentra's for sale lol

what about the slippin tranny

it doesn’t slip…you were on ice, remember? :retardclap

ill run ya from a dig in it if you change the pump, i hear your shit got beat by a neon or something? weeaakk



i remember going up there for something, i think that day i seen you going to work. i drove by bc my friend i had in the car knows someone in there… i seen the foam sticking out by a foot or more… LMAO.

find out if its the same pump as a 240. im kinda busy at the moment, but if its the same i have 2 laying around.

was a srt 4 and i was spinnin like a mofo nothin but salt on the rdthat = no traction and sideways for about 2-3hundred feet;) buy yeah i lost by a fender so what

that fuckin pump went bad??? WTFBBQ sorry man, it worked for a while lol…was runnin like a beast in my 1st sentra

dude just junk it… and btw i dry humped the shit out of the m3 the other night little fyi i thought id let u know

quoted for evidence in pending sexual abuse charges.

thanks ryan thanks asshole lmao… idk benny all the shit going wrong with it i think its best u lay her down to sentra heaven

same pump as the 240 but he already replaced that I thought

couldn’t have lasted too long :rofl Thing had a nasty habit of cutting out in right hand turns with anythign less than 1/2 tank. probably install error :rofl

Why would I junk it and get like $40 when I could sell it and get $200?

not the same pump unfortunately haha

prob didnt put the pickup in its seat all the way or it popped out…they like to do that, also shitty design by nissan NO TANK BAFFLES = :wtf

it has a seat??? :rofl

I just dropped it into the little clip/brakcet that holds it and connected the hoses. w/e

:rofl, your tank prob didnt have one, i say fuck it get rid of that shit, i loved mine but it hasnt had brakes for 3 days, i havent felt like looking at it haha

iv just been whippin the NX2K

install error :rofl

You sell this sports car yet?

ugh no

I want i want!!!

hahaaha yeah right dude

ill sell you an extra motor for it, 75$ and ill drop it off =D…that could be your selling point ''IT COMES WITH AN EXTRA ENGINE!!!"