wtf was this kid thinking, hahahahaha
wtf was this kid thinking, hahahahaha
haha…i dont know what he was thinking but i know what he was smoking :shaggy:
mines about 2ft longer and chambered down to shoot golf balls.pack them tight with a paper wad like a muzzle loaded and go kill something.
that looked like starboy
wow he’s cool :jerkit:
holy shit hahahahahahahahahahaha
X a billion
I got to see something similar back in my younger days. I had one for golf balls that worked TOO good for my neighborhood. We started using those plastic practice golf balls with a sock stuffed down inside for wadding. My ignition was a gas grill lighter drilled into the cap of the chamber. We loaded it and primed it and it wasn’t firing. My buddy had a bright idea to look down into it and see… he set it down, butt first (setting it on the push button ignitor) and it fired and hit him dead in the face. Funny was found in that even though he had a black eye for a week.
i used potatoes… 100+" barrel 6" x 24" chamber… potatoes hurt plenty… aqua net > *
Back in college we had about half a dozen of them and would ball up dirty socks to hunt each other around our apartment complex. Even a sock hurt pretty good at close range…
I too used potatoes
me and my buddies used aqua net all the time with ours, it could shoot well over 200 yards
Aqua Net all the way, and not too much. Gotta be lean to be mean. Yams will crumple up a Honda quarter panel with EASE as we demonstrated to the sorority cumdumpsters across from our apartment building.
don’t have broadband at my parents house so I didn’t actually see the video.
I have a potato gun and it is fun.
But when I was probably 15 me and my friend found a piece of steel pipe that just fit a golf ball perfectly at the same time we came across a giant bag of m-80s and my friends dad’s bag of range golf balls.
Long story short pound pipe into the ground facing out from his front porch at about a 60 degree angle. Light m-80 drop down pipe very quickly followed by golf ball. I have no idea how far it launched the golf balls but they were launched well out of sight.