Potato Gun

Can anyone give me a parts list and some instructions on how to made a potato gun?

common sense…

that or google


the one we have at work is a 4" chamber ans a 1 1/2 barrel 24" long

tubs i guess has a killer spud gun

How to made?

pm letitrip

hows this for a potato gun

http://www.tsnhosting.net/bixVT/pics/random%20cars/IMG_0155.jpghows this for a potato gun





PVC pipe + endcap + electric grill igniter (from propaine grill) = potato gun.

What a shock, that truck has a Georgia license plate. :lol:

“Just some good ole boys… never meanin no harm… beat all ya ever saw, been in trouble with the law since the day they was born”.

You hick. lol

hahahah thats awesome!

be careful with pvc ones, as almost all of the ones that i have seen have failed/exploded after extended use. if you want to make it with pvc, wrap the combustion area with duck tape to minimize the chances of it shattering in your face.