Seriously this guy needs to just end his life.

What a waste of life.


sucka punch a ho

lemme guess, Pacman?

never gonna learn.

Woman accuses Pacman of punching woman in club

Who the fuck do they hire to write these headlines?


FWIW, this was on the radio last night, the woman was apparently the Attorney for the club, to boot.

On rover this morning.

womans a lawyer, shes handling the divorce case for pacman and a case for the club. Kinda wrong place wrong time.

she got decked, and now pac mans gonna collapse in on himself

so, he sucker punched his OWN divorce atty?



It’s just too unbelievable to be true.

i don’t know about this… it seems people make up shit half the time to try and get money from celebrities who have a lot of problems with the law

yeah like this asshat has never done anything wrong. please

hes guilty!

sure, I could def agree with that…

if he didn’t have an addiction to strip clubs

if she wasn’t his supposed atty

if he had something to lose (you honestly think he is sitting on millions because he has invested his money & time wisely?)

if he didnt have a history of violent incidents

If it weren’t for the precedence this idiot has established over just the last two years…

pacman = :bloated:

The situation on rover was great as how they read the story.

The lawyer was there workign the owner of the strip club working out a few things.

Pacman was causing a scene saying the club stole money from him that night, the Gm went to the hall way outside his office to speak to pacman and his entourage, the lawyer was standing behind the owner too see what was going on.

Pacman swung around the owner and decked the lawyer in the face giving her a black eye.

Hilarity ensues

So in the article they mention that when Pacman was involved in that other strip club shooting that the “victim” was also naming The Titans in the suit. I think that is a great idea! Maybe then these teams will not want these piece of shit thugs involved in their organization.