Sexy Jenni in 1250whp Lambo

Peter Blach’s new TT Superleggera.

Real good dude.




I like the part where her boobs moved.


Takes a lot to get fake boobs to move. Good work UGR

Cool car, too fake of a chick. No thanks. With that said, still would bust my man chowda all over them things.

Not sure if those are real boobs…:rofl

Oh Hai! :excited

Deff not real boobs

Real nice car though

Who gives a fuck if they’re real. Gay store called, fresh out of you.

love how they had her put the seatbelt on the side of her shoulder so you could see the non-moving bust…sick car, i wanna ride in it

As far as I’m concerned if you can touch them, they are real :ponder

Standard practice to get results you want :pop


jesus I would motor boat the fuck outa those twins.

More for your pleasure.

Screaming comes standard.


Related video made me laugh


Waynes favorite, A cup titties (if that)

What does owner do for a living?

Peter’s in the healthcare industry IIRC.

Reminder of poor life choices ITT.

Thread takeover!


good looking red head, scratch voice, nice tits…win!

How about her as a blonde?

For NWS look up Love Gisele or Got Gisele IIRC.