Shakedown at Etown October 9th.

This event is this coming weekend, gonna be heading down to watch on Sunday. Anyone else going or have an interest to check it out? I have never been myself but it looks awesome.

I leave Thursday night

went last yr with psi and 94gt some i n s a n e cars

I’d like to make it out for one day/night, hafta see how the work scheduling is…

Have some room if youd like a ride down sunday.

I guess all the fast cars aren’t going this year. Just heard it on the radio.

I guess deathbyrt is going to beat the owners ass of every car that does a wheelie

I’ll let ya know dude!

Be careful, he like to take his clothes off while he’s driving.

Nolan likes to curb his wheels while driving.

I should neg you for that.


Did the plasti dip come off? Oh noes

Yea, but I just sprayed more on. Problem solved :lol

Can’t he just steal another set?
