Shark vs Octopus

I never liked octopus

and now i really dont like them

Wow. I thought that would be the result when the narrator kept alluding tot he fact that the people were “worried about the octopus.”

most sharks…not all…I couldnt watch thie video…my work computer is teh gay.

an octopus attacking a shark is definatly a rare sight…cant wait to watch it.


sharks also have to use their teef to be dedly…

Oktopus - no teef = no care : hold shark and kill, no biting.

well all the old sea monster stories were based on giant squids…they are all beasts, they used to take down ships and stuff…that 26 foot one that was just found was a tiny baby, they are closer to 60 feet at full grown normal size, and the only reason we know is cause we’ve found a few dead ones…in the middle of the ocean they are probably gigantic-er…watch the disocvery channel they explain all the color changing strobe-ness and why they do the ish they do :tup:

thing about sharks is that they actually can stand still, but if dragged or pulled backwards at all, their gills are flooded, if the octopus moved his body backwards at all, that was pretty much the end of the shark, awsome video tho. That octopus has ballz.

that would look funny

Ooo, that badass gave “new meaning to top predator”
good last line.

has anyone heard of the mimic octopus? they’re the coolest of all octopi.

they impersonate fish, sponges, snakes…

more pictures:

They are by far one of the coolest marine animals to exist. Talk about evolution (or gods magic, depending).


the fact they can so quickly change colors and camoflage into the background amazes me… I think more research has to be done, so we can figure out how to gene splice so I can blend in with the background…

oh wait… I already do :cry:


One of the cooler things i saw an octopus do was at a pet store they put a gold fish in a test tube and put a cork on the end. Then the tube got dropped into the tank and the octopus looked at it for a little while then figured out to take the cork off, then it slid into the test tube and ate the goldfish. It was cool as hell i wanted to buy it


I’ve seen stuff like that.

they are cool… I just want a fresh water one…

unfortunatly freshwater and cephalopods do not go hand in hand.

is there even a freshwater octopus in existance?


thats crazy… shark got owned hardcore

i dont think so… thats my dilema. :frowning:

Find one for me.

Quick Google search… i think they are imaginary… and this seems to be a salt water species.

squids or octs or wahtever have been said to be more alien like then imagined…possibly far smarter and more complex than humans :gotme: cant really get to the big ones though…that one jan posted up is pretty sick :tup:

If they were smarter than humans they would end us. before we end them

doubt it…we havent ended them…and look at all the things we are smarter than (everything) and they are still galloping around the wilderness

But you said squids/octo. may be smarter than us… as far as we know, there are no other life forms on the earth that are as smart or smarter than humans. Maybe I mis-read this line… but it didn’t make sense to me.

Looking at our track record… humans fucked up a lot more then we made better. That is a trend not likely to change before several hundred more species are wiped out of existence.

Granted we have larger brains than anything else on the planet… I’m not saying they aren’t smarter… but being an above average intelligence human, I recommend they wipe us out before its too late. Just a suggestion for the squids/octopusses what are monitoring the internet.\

They are learning…

Soon itll be above water and we are all fucked.