Shark Week...

…is right now…a month or so early this year compared to past years if memory serves me correct.

effin sweet…last night they had a Mythbuster’s edition of it…where they had 2 of the co-hosts of the show in shark infested water during a feeding frenzy, and one had to thrash about while the other had to play dead to see which was a more effective way to get sharks to leave you alone…

i hope they each got a nice bonus for participating in that little segment…ballsy as fuck.


That is probably the scariest scenario I’d never want to encounter, yet I’d still love to go swim with sharks.

ummmm…my thoughts are that you are a homo.

get out of my thread and go create your own featuring Project Runway, fggt

You know I dont watch that…when we cuddle on the couch and you actually let me have the remote, I pass right by that show and you are like…WAIT…go back…I just wanna see whats going on then you can watch your program.

I am always reluctant but something about you always just seems to make the few minutes I have to endure watching such terrible television all worthwhile.

I j.k…I love sharx as long as they dont eats my feets

Bump, not sure it went hand and hand with this thead but hey, the threads called shark week so I’ll bump this.

What a great job Discovery Channel just did fucking themselves over by airing a fake documentary. I got all into this last one with the Megalodon and was amazed at the footage of the capsized boot they had… only to find out today that it was all completely a hoax and that everyone were paid actors. Such Bullshit!

Straight from Discovery Channels page on facebook

Welcome to the official Discovery Facebook page! The content on this page is primarily focused to our US network.

Discovery, one of the most widely distributed cable networks in the U.S., is dedicated to creating the highest quality non-fiction content that informs and entertains its consumers about the world in all its wonder, diversity and amazement.

Wow. That is pretty retarded. I also thought Shark week wasn’t too great this year just because of the tone of the show and hosts. Maybe I missed it the past years, but the sexual jokes, crude humor and the obnoxious hosts really killed if for me this year. Embarassing IMO.

Yeah I changed the channel I’m not watching fake shark shit!

The part that burns me the most is how they said they are they are all about non-fictional entertainment…I don’t know now what to believe with Discovery channel. Really blows because I thought it was a channel to inform/teach you, not mislead you completely.

It sucks that they had to follow all the other bullshit channels for fake “drama” Just like mtv is “music tv”

Wait, you actually thought it was true? :ham:

The Discovery Channel/National Geo/The History Channel all went down hill when the started exclusively airing…



“_____ WARS”

…named shows.

Fuck Alaska, fuck fishing and fuck anything that has NOTHING TO DO WITH WAR…STORAGE IS NOT A WAR!.

They pulled the same shit with that Mermaid show. What a crock of shit.

So give the Storage Wars guys guns? Last man standing gets the locker?

Deadliest Catch (without the crabs) is pretty badass. There is nothing fake about that show.

Its not that I was a firm believer on it being a Megalodon, but I honestly thought that the events that happened, actually did happen. The fishing boat getting capsized, the boat they were on getting violently hit and the power flickering… I mean why would you try to fake all this when you are trying to actually educate people about sharks? I thought that’s what this show/week is about… Informing you about sharks from a different view no one has seen. Sorry if it sounds sad I believed the television in todays age, but shit… I was misinformed then myself with this show/channel.

The animal planet (under discovery) had that show about mermaids, where they aired a really fake video of one and claimed it was real. That right there made my not like them.

Meh, even that is getting over dramatized now. And every time they play more of Elliott’s personal drama I get closer to tuning the show out for good.

All the shows suck. Ill YouTube shark attacks all week instead

That is true. I miss the 1st seasons when the Cornelia Marie was running like a top. Now you just have a bunch of drama queens between Eliott, Jr. and now it looks like Jake Anderson is getting in the mix for that too.