holy hell is that fucking real? lol

Keep watching after the end too lol

omfg the music video is pretty funny also

and check out the comments on amazon



I posted this like a week ago.

And yes, it’s real.


It is real… they had a girl on Stern promoting it a couple of weeks ago.

LMAO, that is great. At least they just cut the BS and got to the point.

“Make your **** look bigger”
“Look I’m not a genious. I’m just a guy who really wants to talk about his ****.”

2 used & new available from $39.99

^^ :uhh:

yummy!! everyone wants a used one i bet.

this thing rules

my junk approves :tup:

OT: eclipse chick, new name!?

<— must have blinked

sweet im sick of gettin a nic on muh dick