Sheetz Hot chocolate>all

i hate hot chocolate but found a new favorite drink right now:steelers:

any gas station that sells the “wild bean” coffees and hot chocolate is great.
very strong tasteful hot chocolate

I bought Swiss Miss dark hot chocolate mix and a small bottle of Frangelico last night. It’s really tasty when it gets this damn cold out…

frangelico mmmmmmmm…chocolate cake shot!!!

women and chocolate so predictable

I always go to Sheetz, and get a coffe cup, fill it half way with regular coffee, and the rest of the way with the mocha cappucino…thats awesome! The cappucino’s are always too sweet, so half regular coffee makes them perfect.

I like coffee


mmmm, hot chocolate when your body is freezing cold FTW!!!



I like BP’s Frech Vanilla Capucicnos.

Those little flavor adding things are pretty good too, straight of course :slight_smile:


swiss miss is where its at… sheetz is good also :gaysex:

I got these Land O Lakes hot cholocate mixes in different flavors… anyone else try em?

you guys are on a car board talking about hot choclate there is so much fagatory around here…

so when do you want to get hot chocolate?
you are prob at sheetz right now

so is this gonna take over out SnS dates?

it is quite possible. at least till it warms up

i may have to try this hot chocolate now, im not a huge hot chocolate drinker either though, so it better be good.