Sheetz in Moon is the

ps. you wouldnt hand it to this cobra we have though… whenever you want to set it up i know this kids always down.

that would be a close one…

I want a piece of that Cobra when the Miata is done. Mike Mack talks highly of it, and I’d love to take it down.

you are dumb. seriously.

dan sometimes dude, i wonder if every things all right up there.

I mean, since marro went down there really isnt nothing exciting on the streets no more.

I have no idea who/what you’re talking about. If it’s the Cobra I’m thinking of, someone with the last name “Gates” owns it I think, and it’s supposed to run low 11’s or something?

I don’t know, like I said, Mike always talked highly of it, that’s all.

Let me get the car up and running again and I’ll be out for sure, what color is the car?


gates cobra is SICKKKKKKKKK…starboy u best inform me when u guys meet up for this

wait wait wait, hold on a second. gates as in anthony gates? black kid and the car has a kenne belle on it?


2nd thoughts now???

and nick is the KB on yet?? hanko said it wasn’t but then again look who its coming from:rofl:

pretty damn sure hes till running stock SC just port and polished.

also heard Nate had a kenny but didnt put it on yet.

thats what i thought it was still…but damn that focker is swwweeettttt

rick needs to get a sc. :scared:

y is he planing on it ?

i know the kid if he is from monroville

This guy drives that van :rofl:

why would I have second thoughts? I know who he is, just clarifying who it was. I’ll race him as soon as the car comes out.

i thought gates had a kenne bell just like dan with the silver cobra

i know both went to school with them and gates live just right up the road from me