She's gone..

Hey sorry dude, I can’t recall who you are in person? Wanna clue me in? I’ve been to too many meets to remember everyone :stuck_out_tongue:
Sold it for fairly decent price considering it’s winter, $23k. Not sure what car’s next, I’ll be rocking a rental car for the next couple of weeks until exams are over so I have more free time to check out some potential cars.

Read above. I dunno man, I might not even drift anymore, sorry bro… I’ll still teach you, you friggin n00b :stuck_out_tongue:

I did drop it, I couldn’t find a nice pic with the springs settled in. It’s about 1 finger gap in the front and 1 and half in the rear when dropped. Very nice drop, but needed better offset wheels…

Yes I was at Commerce, I was staring at you for like 10 minutes, and you never stared back, you bastard. How could you ignore me like that? :frowning: