she's hott

wow :eek2:

click here

cows don’t have horns do they? bulls do.

no, they both can have horns.

beeep beeep :weak:

thats nice

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All cows are born with horns. the Farmer(me) will make the choice to remove them when there are min’s old. it is best to remove them cause when you toss them in a pin to butcher them the beat the hell out of each other… and there is no need for the meat to get bruised up more than it already dose. No horns on any of them some time you see them cut off and they still grow so it is simple as pulling a tooth.

not true. it depends on the breed.

Beef cow’s like the one’s in the pic above all have horns male and female the dairy cows some do some don’t . angus yep…

would you faggots quit arguing about some stupid ass cows. It’s a fucking cow, my grill could care less if the thing had horns or not.

Agree !!! i was not trying to start a debate!

:yum: :yum:

That is BS not ALL cows or bulls have horns.You can come to our farm and look for yourself and then you will see.THA IS A FACT.

WHO FUCKING CARES! Jesus Christ you’re all arguing about some damn cows… Who gives a fuck, I mean, your arguing about an animal that eats its own puke!

i tried to tell him.

this thread is an all time low