*Shift 518 Fast Five Movie Night 4/29*

Im down for whatever, ill be good to go around 7

Movie got 81% on Rotten Tomatoes. Which is pretty damn high for their standards.

Anybody going anywhere after for a bite?

I think we eating before, and prolly drinking afters.

I’ll probably be coming to this.

i am thinking of dropping by chilis today and asking to see if they can set something up for us. what you think we start rolling in there about 8:30 or is that to soon?

What time should we go to the movie? Is there typically a long line for a new release like this?


good point tracey it’s gonna be mobbed but most theaters don’t let you in earlier then a half hr to hr before show.

There will be lines setup outside the theater for the different showings, like they always do for any new big releases.

Well Im in. Just bought tickets.

Wherever you guys go to drink AFTER, I’m down if they serve food.


That sounds good, honestly its better than spending the same amount on candy and a soda haha


since you asking so fawkin nicely…i can grab you one since i am going that way today. Lol but why the shag hell can’t you get own ticket?

I may not be able to to make it, forgot the wifey works friday along with everyone else…

I will need to text/call certain individuals to find out and have 2 seats saved if I can make it.

Trace, I’ll txt Wayne. Meet up with us before.

Where is everyone planning on parking for this? General area of the lot I mean. I will gladly use my car to shield better(read: more $$$) imports.

where are you meeting up, myself and my girl will meet up with you

Text me the same.