*Shift 518 Fast Five Movie Night 4/29*


Text plans, to 877-FUCK for good plans.

Whatr you planning on doing before mang

If its nice, I plan on cruising/staying sober. If it rains, all bets are off :lol

is it only playing in one theater?


kewl, thanks for the quick response sarge

I’ll be there tonight with a few of my buddies

RT I got your ticket :number1

Few friends saw the midnight showing, said it was the best one yet…but who knows

And where we meeting up? i think im doing chilis with jay if anyone else wants to come

Wait people go to these movies because they actually think they’re good? I just go for pure entertainment of how crappy they are. LOL

Got my tix, weather is looking good too

How early should I get there? 30min?

More like an hour. No joke last time we had a group go to the 4th one we got there an hour early and there was already a long line to get in.

Hr before I’d recommend.

Paul Walker doesn’t wait in line.

:rofl loose those friends, quick

ide go but prolly too late to get a ticket ?


singh if you can try this morning you might get lucky. I am thinking chilis 8 -8:30 gives ample time to pregame and food

If someone can snag me a ticket I will be eternally grateful…I’ll pay them back tonight. I just can’t get to Colonie until 4 and don’t want the show to be sold out.

Bunch of my goons are meeting up around 7:30pm at Chilis.

Cannot wait for the epicness.Shady ill save u 2 seats.Text me yes or no like 45 min prior.