*Shift 518 Fast Five Movie Night 4/29*

Chiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii’s. Nom nom nom.

Doubt it on a Friday night… gonna be hard pressed to find anywhere other than a house to do it. Id have people here, but Im sure they’d bitch that its 11mins away from the movie theater :lol

I’d have peeps at my house, but if one of you tit fucks acted like a moron I’d have to throw you through a window.

Thread cleaned up and split to the appropriate section.

Wont you have to replace the window than? :lol

Ticket purchased!

to get everyone amped about film here is an intereview with one of the writers


Will someone buy my ticket and ill give ya the cash friday?

well thats just wonderful! haha :crazy

what showing is everyone going to

go read the first post

Thanks fr posting that when you could have just told me when

Or you could have read it in giant letters in the first post.

2 Days.

This! I love when people post in a thread and never actually read first post LOL

This! Wrong! I forgot I’ve been getting all the updates but had forgotten about the time and thought someone would answer me easily

Let me help you out, these guys are meanies.

Haha thanks mike. After I got told what for last time I went to the first page and checked. But thanks for the easy answer

How early is everyone meeting up?

Won’t have enough breaks during the shift to watch the movie but I could meet before or after, especially if you guys getting food somewhere after. Then I’ll just eat my lunch there.

I got my ticket yesterday, idk if its answered but are we meeting at highbridge at the usual time?

i was thinking pregame at chilis as mentioned before. Hopefully wayne or pjb can avoid getting roofied this time.