*Shift 518 Fast Five Movie Night 4/29*

^^ just txted you brotha

Heading out now, so see you dewbs at Chilis

I’m at Colonie. The fuck is everyone?

I parked next to johnnyk and big red, unfortunately I only know your guys cars so I’m in the theater now and have no clue where any of yall are! Good thing I brought my woman or I’d be lonely haha. Sitting in the handicapped seats near the front woo

Epic night for sure.Great to see everyone out…

yeaaaa good times!

Epic event. Thanks to everyone who attended and proceeded to cheer at every Paul Walker scene. :rofl

Had a blast with some great peeps.

Oh and Singh is never allowed to drink again.

Well nice to meet a couple of you anyways, I probably should have hung out and said hi to a few more afterward but god damn I was tired. Movie was actually a decently entertaining action flick. I’ll be out cruising tomorrow night if the weather stays nice, so hopefully I can meet a few more of you guys then.

yea if people are out and about tomorrow someone gimme a shout since i live in the area now

where do you live now dan?

Yeah Dan?

Movie was def good.

Hope you guys watched after the credits…

Deff felt. Little slow to me but that wasn’t a bad thing I like how deep it seemed… was fucking awesome thou, can’t wait for the next one

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Yes, I did. Knew that was Eva walking in as soon as I saw her lovely legs. And not sure I cared for that lil extra at the end, kinda makes a mess of the previous story.

Yeah it did Fuck.with it a bit… not sure how their going to try and explain it in the next one

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+101155 jesus the kid is nutzz

LOL and what are you? you are just as bad ***** !!!

lol i disagree…drunk singh=entertainment for all. Glad i got to put some faces to the screen name. Dave trying to get a theater to sing happy bday song to the wrong girl ftw!!! :rofl Ryan i think the waitress left you her number buddy:lol

hahaha that was awesome with the bday thing

I do the crazy shit just to entertain you guys, im actually a srs mofo on the daily

btw RT you bastid i was at chilis with everybody…Had your ticket and everything for you.:Idiots