Shift 518 Goes to Thailand! (the real thread)

And to buy beer you have to go to the little mom and pop gas station up there- the convenience stores dont sell beer.

edit: im a retard…

ill have room for whom ever wants to ride up with me up to 4 people

see the first post

fack if u leave at 6 im gonna have to drive up by my self ghey

6 isnt the set time. most likly ill ask everyone again on monday, bc i know have the list are going to make excuses.

I still have to figure out driving arrangments. I see linds driving with McFluffinator :shifty

i dont get out of class till around 9…rbakerian isnt ray its ryan…black supra


ok Mrs. Cleo :crazy

I’ll be driving a Cadillac up in style thank you very much lol…I have 4 extra spots with me…

umm HELLO?! You’ll have 3 EXTRA SPOTS! lol :wierd

You knew what I meant

you love me! I’m your second home! LOL :tongue

idk if im going now:(… if i do i might just be high on pain meds

uuuhh your going! drugged up or not!

fine and ill just be a mute the whole trip

That will be different from every other time how??


Everyone please PM me or post here with a time you want to leave Albany area. Its about a 2 hour drive…most likly 1.5 hr.

I can’t go, I get nervous around reservations

^your weird^

I dont care what time we leave, I’m unemployed and have no life lol so I’m ready to go whenever…i would say the later the better so that way we dont get stuck in traffic…

agreed! If we leave around 9 pm we’ll have plenty of time!

Where are we all going to meet up?

i got class till 9 so yea ill take my car and meet up with u guys somewhere on the thruway if needed