Shift 518 Goes to Thailand! (the real thread)

that hurts me down deep…like way deep:'(

That’s what she said.


oh stop it you faker!! lol

ok listen, when you get older, and are out of elementary school, you can make mistakes like this :tongue

ok pedophile

oooohhhh!!! like YOU should talk!!! lmao

hey i dont talk thats why im “silent” steve …


you guys are too much!

what she started it

Don’t make me be the Mom of the group again!!! :lol

ok so whos acctually going we need to make a list so we know who to look for

uuuhhh did you see the first post? :retardclap

uuumm actually if you look back, I DOO believe you are the one that started it :tongue

uuuhhh did you see the first post? :retardclap

bite me!!! i wasnt sure if thats a forsure list



lol whats the sad face for wierdo??

cuz u have an obsession for picking on me