Shift, meet Shitbox. shitbox, meet Shift......

lol awesome

well if it doesnt ill trailer it back for him if i can have the motor and that boot rofl

:lol he said something to me about fire, soooo good luck with that,

why does everyone want to be like travis :rofl

its craptackulor!

If it comes back in one running piece we will be using it again for another lemons event, probably the Nelson Ledges 24hr enduro later this year…\ We are going to run the car until it dies one way or another. If it dies this time around, well then we’ll talk about parting out the car :slight_smile:

And thanks to those who gave support throughout this endeavor, and to those doing so now. The car is on it was there now as I type. JVG and Chris watched with me as it was loaded and the crew headed out.

so who is jin nowles. i know i was there painting but i dont remember seing a jin there. musta been a little guy haha. and thats not how yo u spell my last name either. but whatever.

Shut up and go back to Alaska Eskimo Jin. LOL :ahh

sick stuff

Dibs on my old rims :slight_smile:

As an update, car is doing pretty good. 10th place last I checked.

Not bad for a team that just wants to finish and have fun.

Many others didn’t make it past a few laps.

9th OA and 4th in class when I talked to her around 5pm yesterday.

woohoo go shitbox

in for more updates!!

in foar samsies!

Pics will be up tonight :ohnoes

oh man keep us posted! i hope you have a lot of footage when you come back!

I should have about 4 hours of on car footage facing front and back, and roughly 1800 pictures.

Small glitch however, after watching a small preview of the forward facing camera footage on the first run, there is a smudge on the lense that was not discovered :banghead

shit box made it through the entire event! Was not expecting that to happen.

Placed 7th overall and 2nd in class, however the guy that finished first overall was first in their class, so Jay Lamm gave the 1st in class trophy to the team. They all voted on it and decided the trophy will stay with me :lol

Shitbox will race again:number1

Don’t worry, my sister has probably 6-10 megs of incar footage as well…

I am throughly impressed. Nice Job.