Shift518 Anniversary

dont u dare bring that pic of brett with you

im on call so i may be there if i do it will be with the beotch also

nice lol

gettin a beer now!!! we’ll be there!!!

Still undecided but Im thinking probably not.


Stays on the Web

Get it printed on a t shirt

6 beers in :lmao

JT is gon git it!!

I never thought about that !!!

Good idea PJB!

So is there any fuckin CP goin to this shit or what??

momma kramer will probably show up drunk and DTF but she hasnt been CP for 50 something years

im catching you 4 beers in now…

Up to 8-9ish my dude!! :rofl

Adam you’re my idol. Not only getting drunk, but doing so while posting on a local internet forum.

Gotta up the standards of gettin crunk ni9!! :lmao

Somebody better take some videos tonight if you guys really are going to throw the ball across the lanes and shit like that.

Im gonna throw the ball at Petes big ass head y the end of the night! :rofl

this is gonna be good!!!

Word! :lol

adam what are we throwin at people tonight ? remeber who was down wit ya wippin doughnuts