Shift518 Anniversary

i was too drunk to make it out tonight, the fact that i made it home was amazing. i don’t know where nielson ended up lol

Me Jammer and Jazzy-fay got drunk till bout…hmm now :lol

And SHIFT got kicked out of the alley… always happens to me dammit!

you fuckin guys, saying you are gonna come hangout, making fun of people for NOT going, and then going to the same bar locos you always go to and dont come out yourself.

sweet deal!

DAMN sucks i missed this. i was in the shop all night :frowning:

:rofl me and adam shut that shit down!

:rofl:rofl Soo good.

“Lane 18 is closed…lane 19 is closed, lane 20 is now closed. Please feel free to leave, youre ruining it for everyone” :lol

it was more like you guys can leave now your annoying everyone.

ahahh fuck em

I dont think thats how it was…

yeah me neither

That bitch at the front door was trying to charge us 17 dollars just to come in the building

F that noise. We partied at Hatfield’s

How was it? Hes still not up and were supose to ride in an hour :lol

You just gotta get loud with that bitch, she’s a ho. Walk right past her.

ya but on some real talk, bowling sucks dick, that stupid bitch on the microphone is stupid as fuckkkk, and the pizza was insanely horrible, bowling really sucks, and the lanes are WAY too slippery

so next time lets skip the bs and go str8 to the bar

Negative SinghNancy. If you were not walking on thelanes you wouldnt mind they were so slippery. Alot of cool moments, and Swifty was invlolved in some quality antics, along with ,well, about everyone. Except me, I was good and didnt instigate nor do a thing to cause us to get tossed…

I was home sleeping. Wicked tired last night.

was there for about 10 min ,wife got bitchy and i was on call so no antics for me


and you wonder why I make fun of you.