Shift518 football game

i don’t even know how to play football.


i would if i wasnt a little guy, only 135lbs and 5’8’’ or some shit

if anyone is still intrested me and vlad are trying to do this for the freeze your nutz off meet

+eleventy billion. Gimme a time and a place and I’ll be there :nod

I have shitty health insurance, I cannot play tackle football.


I know a thing or too about throwing a football. Ill play i just cant get fucked up for college ball next year.

me too :ninja

:+1 cept like 130 and 6’ 1" haha. I think I may break if I was tackled

oh come on its not like your gunna die! i’ve played semi-pro all season with head injurys and a pulled grion do you know how bad a pulled grion feels??? suck it up it’ll be fun!

were gunna try to get a game going at the freeze your nutz off meet!

Okay Will Ferrell.

well it would also help if I knew anything about the sport, because I don’t, haha

wtf does that have to do with football? you’ll be fine

can you catch? if you can you’ll be fine its not like were going to try to kill each other or anything

well i def wanna get a game going the weather isnt to bad

speak for yourself ;D

You will be broken in half.

And still be 5ft tall :lol

So what you’re telling me gentleman is that there aren’t enough “men” on Shift to put together a football game?

Man up! Plus you’ll warm up during play time.

haha that had me laughin pretty hard