Shift518 H20I advenchurz

the kiiidddd- iligagl left turn -90
the kiiidddd- excessive noise while piloting the k20. warning.

big red- 60 in a 40:ponder
Ricky - no front or rear plate ticket

k20-street razin

Quit sluggin Sargent shorts

Do I even want to ask what is going on here?
Or whos STi that is lol

Nah, it was probably one of the best times of my life :rofl

I got 'em HOLD ON

AHH SHIT, I forgot again…until now.


I got FUCKED with a $300 speed contest bullshit

got stuck trying to rip AWD burnoutz in a field off to the side of the show. i have a video of me/yetti talking to the guy but its on my camera that is on my desk in NYC with the USB wire sitting in albany NY.


Oh man the videos keep coming

Poor bastard with the STi.

seemed to have just about no damage so not TOO big of a deal. he ended up getting his buddy in a jeep to pull him out

I think a story that hasn’t been told yet that I won’t forget atleast is…

GermanPSI(Chris), Sully, and Kramer needed a ride home from the complex of bars down there called “Seacret’s”. So I zip down and pick up Chris and Sully, and Kramer was supposed to be getting picked up by Mike(hybrdthry911). So I go down “the strip” on my way down to the Hotel. Chris is hanging out my back door throwing up, cars swerving and shit. Then some fag in a white Jetta that said “Honda sucks” on the back window came up next to us and said it was R32 swapped, and mk430r was like, no it’s not. Long story short, I romped on the kid, and like 5 minutes later, about 30 blocks later, I got a $300 ticket. FML.

Lol I walked those blocks home

meanwhile i was sitting sliiiiiiiiightly inebriated in a bus stop shelter to get out of the rain with two black people making out next to me for 40 minutes

Sounds like a fucking good weekend.

it was a great time as always

wait brett was in the car when you picked us up?

:rofl yeah dude, he was sitting in front of you.


ah fuck thats bad