Shirt Idea (Would you wear this)


What if we put a Roca Wear tag on it for u? i bet u would wear it then…


sorry no fucking thug here, i owuld never wear some bullshit gear like that. sorry i really dont knwo where your sorry ass comes up with thinking im even close to a wigger.

Mo gear downtown = ftw.

um… no.

U are a closet wigger…:bowrofl:

just like how youre a small dick wonder that needed added protein and a few other things to be the douchebag you are. i mean dam if thats all i was is a closet wigger then thats 100xs bette then being Devin aka Sleeper. get real buddy and get a clue. hell ill even donate moeny for you to get a clue

make a shirt that is a “throwback”… like old style crossed rods/pistons or crossed wrenches or pinup girl.

sick, rock on, I’d wear it.

I think whitey should get a tat of it on his back

I’d wear it :smiley:

have ur first part on the front, pinup girl on the back

that would be sooo sweet

Skulls aren’t my thing.

Make it 8 pistons, and I’m in

olive green shirt with charcoal print and i’m down for an XL.

Roca Wear! This IS off topic,quit delting my shit!!!

i knew the whole 8 pistons thing was gonna come into play. but seriously it would look so cluster f*cked with 8 it wouldn’t even be funny. Ill come up with a final for this and sailor, great idea with the pinup girl thing that will be in the works. Most likly though from the feedback look for a new ps shirt to come out soon,.

if its free yes

eeh… maybe

it looks a little clustered