SHIT... File Recovery? V.CrazyJon


Whats yours?


[COLOR=black]Something along the lines of working for governmental agencies and fortune 100 clients… Testifying in federal court as an expert for computer forensics. I get recruited daily by the largest consulting firms to come work for them. I’ve read just about every book in print on the topic of computer forensics/handheld forensics and about 1/2 of the books printed on cryptology. I write articles for major publications. I train global 1000 companies on computer forensics. I provide proven successful litigation strategy and expert advice on a daily basis. I have a 5 page curriculum vitae. Do I meet the requirements to take the lead in this thread?

The primary reason I asked Boxx is his posts are misleading. It’s kind of like if i starting saying I have a v8 in my Honda. Clearly that is an error. If someone posted in a technical thread and they needed immediate assistance and someone provided erroneous information, I would question their knowledge and call them out.

By all means. Any IT person can pick up a several books on my shelf and have an idea of how computer forensics works. But if you had a brain tumor, would you want a podiatrist conducting brain surgery? Exactly, you know they are both doctors, but they do completely different things. I respect IT personnel, but when someone provides flawed theory and logic to something I’m an expert in, I need to say something.

Ok back to saving the world. bbl