*Shit Talkers Needed*

Those are probably dudes from your “crew” thinking its some serioussss street racing scene with dumpy ass cars racing.

Cant we all report it as obscene or something to that effect, to get it removed?

You can flag it I believe, but then you just have to click “Ok” before viewing. Shit sucks.

must you have something ignorant to say about EVERYTHING i say? personally i thought it was funny when they referred to you as the harry potter look a like on the other thread… :rofl

yessssss i’m here! i’m still in Florida!! I come home tomorrow night actually

ooohhhh pics ? and not of florida

ahahah in my profile on here there’s one :slight_smile: and awwww don’t wanna see Florida?!?! how come?? it’s nicer weather down here then what i hear is going on up there!! barely rained at all since i got here :lol

isnt it hot as hell down there now? I mean its 80 and humid here so its gotta be worse there, right?

i saw that pic ,now get away from the myspace angle i need to see what im talkin to

its not too bad, its obviously really hot during the day but its not so bad right now, its a little muggy but nothing out of the usual. its nice at night, the humidity lowers and its a nice crisp 75 :slight_smile:

lol welllllllll i’ll have to go searching then :slight_smile: andsee WHAT you’re talking to??? lol:wtf

go for it i got the myspace look in my profile the link is there

I dont see a link

What exactly is going on here?

i was wrong i thought it was

:crazy me neither lol

im finding one, im going through my computer now :lol ill put it as my default on my myspace so you can see it :slight_smile:

just p/m me a link and ill do the same

:lol and this is such a big deal why??? i’m still looking by the way :banghead

John, wats yer Myspace? I wants to be friends