*Shit Talkers Needed*

there ya go its the default, now hurry up because i wanna change the default back to my car :lol

hang on ill find it


red i didn’t know you were from Cobleskill… i just graduated from there in May…

Yeah still here. I have a red Civic hatch w/ white wheels, you may have seen that. Lately though I have been rockin a green 4dr Civic with black/red rims.

i’m back in the albany area now…and i’m not sure if i’ve seen you around up there??? sorry, it’s been a few months since i was up that way last…so forgive me for not remembering

Yeah maybe. My dad moved out there, so I stay there sometimes. I was riding in my buddy silver suby back from LVD like a month or so ago, he was trying to screw with you on th highway.

i like to play on the highway hahah to that probably was me, i don’t play too hard though, they’ve been doing a lot of construction right before the bridge going across the river so i’ve been taking it easy up there…i ply around when i’m bored though…why not :slight_smile:


you ass…:banghead :lol






Haha, I can see some way better pics than that…

ahhaahahahah you smartass :lol

she needs to ad me as a friend

not after this stunt :haha

She added me…

You look cute with the glasses

I spin people out on the highway

hahahaa i broke them oopppssss :lol

ill behave and delete em