shitty luck...

So we have 2 meeting today with various clients, not to mention that we need to have some parts in Europe this morning ASAP and guess what? the server took a shit last night… damnit

I hate when this kind of ish happens

at least you are on nyspeed fixing things :tup:

jk man… we’ve all been there

lol little I can do about it… have to wait for IT to do their magic

at least your it department backs stuff up. At our place, the programmer runs out and says “umm i lost your data for the past 4 days, so 20 people have to do 4 days of work over again”

stillllll waiiitttting


sorry :frowning: but happy friday :slight_smile:

:smiley: thanks lol

well, atleast it was an easy day, work wise :stuck_out_tongue: