shitty sneak peak at my parts



fmu? comon.

  1. i love how nyspeed has turned into

  2. i like even more the fact that everyone on our forums’ indviduality makes it a fun place to be a part of, but as a whole its a pretty shitty entity.

:tdown: for people hate hate hate hatin’

Its and FPR and it just happens to be an FMU too. I bought it as a FPR though.

People are ‘hate hate hatin’ because this thread simply lacks any valuable content.

I’m a big fan of DIY turbo projects, but why even bother posting one horrible macro pic of relatively insignificant parts? What’s the point? Slap some real pics up of “the many parts you’ve got so far” or tack this pic on to a DIY thread so we can see what you’re working with. Just add some more stuff, thats all.

I’ll start a DIY when I get home with pics of the many parts, my plans and my goals.

good to hear your not using it as an fmu

Look at my siqq parts, I’m almost done too.

Just busting your balls man. What are you shooting for this summer?

If I or others made a thread for every time we bought something than that would be gay and a waste of space on this forum. OMG a BOV…congrats on your purchase and I hope it makes a sweet pppssssshhhh noise on your vehicle!!!

If only I had made thread for everytime I got a part, you’d have a valid point. I did this once just for fun. Its not like other people haven’t done this before.

These are relatively inexpensive parts.Nothing special.Just make a DYI Dave.Im sure youll make it a good one with lots of pics.I’m looking forward to seeing your car this year.