some of you might know him. he came and helped for the pinks car and let me burrow the trailer to get the mustang home…
just a 408 power glide and a little shot of nitrous :eek: this is a street driven car. he drove it home from the track

full version NWS for music

oh, just a LITTLE 408… Looks like some serious gm tech going on there.
he has less than most people think
is it gutted at all? looked like a 152 trap speed…thats fockin fast as hell!! how much of a shot? cuz he’d need a good deal more than 800-900whp on mildly gutted weight
its has full interior
he has something like 550 to the wheels NA. i dont know how much he was spraying cause i wasn’t there and he said the track wasnt hooking great
jeez that car must be on a big bottle. wow very impressive