shop door bell

I’m looking for a doorbell for my shop. I’ve done many searches and cannot find anything. I would like something that is really loud and that would activate some kind of light too. Any suggestions would be great.

" Nigggggggggaaaaaaaaa"

Momentary pushbutton. Relay. Wire a latch on the coil. Spinning light and siren on NO contacts. ??? Profit.

Lightswitch raves?


I’m looking for a doorbell for my shop. I’ve done many searches and cannot find anything. I would like something that is really loud and that would activate some kind of light too. Any suggestions would be great.


I’ve got this exact setup less the light on my back shop door if you’d like to check it out.

Basically, a 10 dollar lighted doorbell, transformer, and a metal clangy-bell. Total investment maybe 30-40 bucks.

we have a standard issue two tone wireless doorbell from the depot in our shop. its too bad 75% of people cant read the yellow and red 8" tall sign on our counter right behind the bell that says for help “ring bell”. people just stand at the counter and yell hello when were out back working.

i dont see how tricky it would be to have a hard wired one wired to a strobe light like a fire alarm. hard wired doorbells are dirt cheap. strobed fire alarms probably not.

My dad has one at his shop that sounds like a warning for a nuclear strike…it’s hilarious…i’ll find out where/when he got it…