Shorteaz and Refused has taken my place...


yay for my 5th spot soon!
il come home from work tonight and xuperxero will have 4th and il have 5th.

but watch out for # 2 and 3 doesnt look like there leaving those spots anytime soon.

haha ban us…ur just jealous we have those spots and u wont get em :stuck_out_tongue:

^ +1 hahahahahahahaha so true…

Bwahahhahaa I have taken Refused place… SHORTEAZ!! YOU’RE NEXT!!!

lol thats what you think!


P.s. I think i’m drunk… weeeeeeeeeee

lol itll be like watching a snail

i wish i was drunk boourns

haha, ya now wos the post whore?

Drunk is fun… But impossible to get around the house >.<

drunk is fun… havnt you learn how to walk while drunk?
without knocking everything over, i think i mastered it (most of the time) coming home late when i was younger had to be really quite not to wake anyone up… but then i stumble around making noise while im trying to make some food and get a drink (water or juice cus my beer was all gone) and then turn on the light in another room and… there’s my mom sitting there. oh sh*t.

lol i think i do fine with getting around wen im drunk…still got all my motor skills haha

eh… i think i got a little PAST drunk hahaha

lol even wen im totally gone…i can hide it fairly well…i think…aside from the rosey cheeks

I sleep when I’m pissed… NOT the best thing to do around people who are drunk… at least it ain’t when I’m not sleeping…:wink:

lol pulll out the makersss!!!

and whipped cream!!! then tickle his nose with a feather and his hand automatically goes whack the face LOL

lol tooothhhpaste on the eyebrows!! haha

ChokuDori_DA peeps his head up to see what the commotion is about

i wonder what place i am?

20th? hahaha

oh snap David has regained the 4th position with a lead of 30 posts!