Sup TNC !!

Hey guys its me again…

I know i havent been on but i want to tell everyone thanx for keeping the forums alive!! and thanx to the staff for doing a great job.!!

Lifes been abit crazy… im moving again had to extend my court date yet again and im going to mexico march 16th for a week to see my fam … But i havent forgoten about anyone… ill be ordering TNC stickers next week on my day off and clothing also… i come back on the 22nd of march so the stuff should be ready and i will let everyone know when i get everything and we can set up a meeting and everyone can come get there stickers and clothing!!.

im on as much as i can but i work over 90 hours every 2 weeks so im crazy tired… been trying to get as much money as i can to fix my ride for the summer. cant wait!!

well guys keep posting and have fun… ill see everyone real soon



hows it going big guy, good to hear you’re still getting by with working so much. goodluck with the court-date

comming back on the 22nd… just in time for my b-day…
(march 26)
just i dont know what im doing yet…

nice yeh mines next month april 23rd…partty!! woo i think :S

Well Well Looky who it is… RICK!!! you rossclaut!!! :smiley:

Damn… so I guess me working 45-50 hours a week sucks too.

^ but you never get any work done and just slack off so you’re a lot better than Rick’s position! haha

ha so true

Whoring bahhhstard stealing my 8th spot.

And David… atleast I could keep my job for more than 3 days.


Phil, at least I don’t get nekkid with fat flat ugly old women. (if you dont know what i’m talking about. Go look at phil’s facebook pictures)

oohh shit…play nice boys

pff ur one to talk , meanie