Should This Kid Have Lost His Driver’s License For Life?

When I was 16, I ran from the cops and got nailed for it.

Did I ever do it again? NO. Why? Because at 16, becoming an adult, I LEARNED MY LESSON. He has had, basically, 3 SERIOUS (KEYWORD!) issues with his license. The last incident nearly cost the lives of an entire car full of people.

Are you kidding me!?

He should have learned his lesson after the first time. People like this, who fail to learn after repeated mistakes…need to be punished as much as humanly possible. In this case, make him use public transportation for the rest of his freakin life.

I’d personally rather see him in jail myself as you say…for attempted vehicular manslaughter or negligence, whatever the charge may be. But since the judge doesn’t want to go that route (or prosecution), the next best thing is to lose his license.

Okay, maybe not for his life…but at least 10 years or so.

Bingo. We all learn from our mistakes. This kid is 17. Almost of college age, ready to probably go out on his own. He should be able to put 2 and 2 together and realize he can’t do this crap…yet he’s done it 3 times in essence.