Should This Kid Have Lost His Driver’s License For Life?

Are you retarded?.. Seriously… are you??

State prison isnt real life changing? Being locked in a cage, eating the food and only the food given to you? Not being able to see your family, friends, pets ext? NOT being able to go home.

Yeah, dont teach the kid a lesson, just permanantly take away his rights for the rest of his life.

I know PRIESTS who have been to prison… They have obviously changed there lifes around, but fuck them, they shouldnt be trusted or confessed to… there prolly stealing the collection money right??

If this kid had 3 chances, went to prison and THEN did the same thing, id understand… but hes had zero punishment EXEPT for the revokation of his license… If i fucked up and didnt get punished for it your damn right id do it again… no, suspending a license isnt punishment.