Sick drift truck build

I’ll give him that for sure, especially being something he’s never done. Frame isn’t gonna be the stiffest thing around with some of his design parameter there but it’s going to work quite nicely for the trucks intended purpose. I do like how he boxed the rails into the original cab body, quite clean. Most hack that part right from the get go. I’m not really a “low rider” type truck guy but this is good :slight_smile:

Bender is a common economical vertical design. A few companies use this layout. and I prefer it to horizontal benders based on space savings and accuracy. Vertical is nice because you can use a more accurate angle finder vs a degree wheel. My old hydraulic RMD was a vertical machine. My current one I’m going to convert over to vertical once I get the new CNC shop up and running.

Notcher is a feeble JMR knockoff. Made it too small in all the important areas. Bronze bushing, looks to be a 1/2"-3/4" shaft at best. Thing isn’t going to last long, mainly the bushing. I used to go through 5-6 of those bushing type notchers a year when I was really busy with cages and chassis. You want to see a proper notcher I’ll show you the ones I made. A JMR knockoff that’s built even bigger. JMR notcher is about $550-$600, I built mine for about $350. Also have my 1 hp gear reduction notching machine for notching 3-6" tubing. Tried building a smaller version of it but a bearing broke and it failed in the most epic display of raw torque.