Sighted Kbizzzz (split)



My dog said she’s seen better looking dogs than you. After she peed on your tire.

PICS or…:gtfo

That’s cool .

She was loving on you like pjb was that little boy.

Dude that kid was scared . The dog was cool man well actually hot seeing as ya made a black dog hang out in the sun

GINER!!! :rofl

Yea I can totally see that you AREN’T an attention whore with that post…:ponder

How old is sweatychick

That’s not attention whoring, that’s whore whoring.

ohh jeeeez. gimme a god damn break. its called a JOKE. like relax.


its gregs fave too

Thats my point :banghead

Otherwise I would have said whore…minus the attention part.


makes for good entertainment

How old is sweatymommy