Sighted Kbizzzz (split)

Fuck, I’m old, oh well, ask Dave, I party as well as you young folk


You’re in for quite a shock if we ever party at the same place…

i party hard.

I’m not doubting that!

do you listen to Ke$ha while partying?


i go to bars and clubs… i listen to whatever they play.

how 'bout mom. i’ve been looking for an incestuous sandwhich for sometime now…

… and i’m getting sick of my family:ponder

Hi, I’m here for the gangbang…

nah. moms an amature. i know whats good though.


I’ve got nothing. :confused:

I just felt left out ITT.


I"m sure you can talk the old bat into it.

DOMINIC, i do not appreciate you laughing at me. [SIZE=2]*** ;)[/SIZE]

sweatynready is coming back with some pretty epic come backs

+1 to her

So where are pics of sweaty anyhow?

yayay <3

I have a pic of suitting sweaty butttttt I’m sure it ain’t what ya wanna see