Silvia Front... Let me know what you think.

Hey check it out will be looking for a body shop for a cheap paint job. sr is more important so i need to get a cheap paintjob to buy my sr:P

and when you bump someone from behind with that fiberglass bumper with no rebar behind it guess whats gonna happen. looks like u still need some headlight brackets and corner lights and turn signals and a hood, i say spray paint it and worry about ur frame not how ur car looks

SR is really important when you don’t have your G2, I agree.

sr is important with out corner lights,turn signals grille,hood and well , what cooupe le said about bumping someone, i managed to keep my rebar with my silvia front end, i would not suggest it witout. you bump someone…say bye bye to that sr.

oh man how much bondo is in that hole

power is nothing without control

haha i will NEVER drive a s13 with stock suspension

there is so much body role. expesially in the front haha it feels like its going to role

Agreed, i think a KA is great but the suspension definetely needs work on a stock s13.

I also agree with dan when he says SR before you’re even driving is a bad idea.

save your money

buy coils. my stock ka s13 with coils and r compounds keeps up with a gtr at the track

I just think the Silvia Front looks Gay and no one should ever put it on there car.

Just dont paint the car Red, that is even worse

i think u should do whatever u want. You seem to be going to way you want with your project. like u fixed the two nostrils that u didnt like, you got the silvia front all together. But You should definately get your license and insurance in line before u spend any more on the ride.

or push ppl out of snow banks when they tryed to back up them

i agree smashage soon time.

id like to see an sr in that thing… 5 minutes and one power pull and BAM

agreed my coils were the best thing iv put on so far. next = BB, sway bars and power

kengi is also right putting a car on the road is close to a grand. and without a licence its useless anyways. sr is a waste right now. besides learning how to drive in a car with a fiberglass+bondo front bumper sr and no re-bar is a BAD BAD BAD idea.

and when you bump someone from behind with that fiberglass bumper with no rebar behind it guess whats gonna happen. looks like u still need some headlight brackets and corner lights and turn signals and a hood, i say spray paint it and worry about ur frame not how ur car looks

If you hit someone hard enough to mash your engine , i dont think its gonna matter what ur bumper is made of…

your be amazed. a 20km impact with a fiberglass bumper and no rebar would mess up ur rad, ic ect…