simply amazing

wow, awsome skills


wow mad props to the guy who did this.

if that was me, i’de have my name all over it. the guy was left anonymous.

thats one of the craziest things i have ever seen i wonder how much time that took

The fact that he did that in one sitting is amazing to me, even if I had the talent, I’d never have the patience. lol

But this guy didn’t do that with a mouse though, he uses a pen on a special mat, controls the mouse. Still amazing talent though.

yea i wanted to point that out too but figured it was obvious, those things are used by many comp graphics artists and animators, i wanted one before but than when I bought my s13 computers faded away…

mouse or no mosue, he did it in ms paint.

i can see if it was a prefessioanl program, but paint!

hell you should see some of my paint drawings. makes me that much more impressed.

That is awsome